Tuesday, December 15, 2015

An Opinion Article: Course Selection Sheets

By: Abbie Schmidt, Staff Writer
Posted December 15th, 2015
This is an opinion article. Therefore, the views mentioned are completely my own. Now, I think that course selection sheets are strange. We have so many options to choose from. Classes that could shape our entire future are simply listed on a sheet with its prerequisites and number of credits pasted next to the title.

From the title of some classes, you can’t gather much. You literally have no idea if you’ll like the class until you take it. There’s also a chance that you won’t like the class. The course catalogue gives a simple definition of the class. Also, we don’t get much of an explanation of a class from teachers unless you specifically ask, and even then they’re a bit biased.

People say to take every kind of class you can. “Take an art class, engineering class, science, social studies, business, etc.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I think this is a good idea. But I find it really hard to make a decision to take a class from every sort of subject. I think it’s really difficult to choose my classes. Many people don’t have enough credits to take everything they want to take. My problem is that I have too many credits and I don’t know what to fill them with.

I feel like adults expect us as teenagers to have our life figured out. They may constantly try to convince us otherwise, but that’s how I feel. “It’s okay to not know what you’re going to do as a job. But, by the way, what are you going to do as job?” Everything we do now, in high school, is leading up to our adult life. The classes we choose, friends we make, clubs we join, everything!

I think we should spend more time learning about classes before we choose them. We should be given tools that could help point us in the right direction for choosing a career that we’ll enjoy.

To end, I would like to ask if you’ve ever heard the saying that goes something like “One month, students need to raise the hand to go to the bathroom and the next, they’re deciding what to do with their adult life”.

The Nite Crier is a student online newspaper. It is intended to provide an opportunity for Slinger High School students to report news and events relevant to the high school community. The reporting of events, the views and opinions expressed in articles and stories reflect that of writers and not the advisor, administrators, faculty, or the School District of Slinger