Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Slinger's Ac Dec is a rewarding experience for any student

By: Hannah Stadel, Staff Writer
Posted November 24th, 2015

Is studying or reading your favorite pastime? Do you get excited when you hear someone mention learning? Academic Decathlon is for you! Even if you’re not  nerdy, Ac Dec is a great way to prepare for college as well as provide an excellent opportunity to impress scholarship committees. And it’s fun!

Ac Dec is essentially competitive test taking. As a member you read and study and hear talks on various  topics like art, economics, science, literature, and math. Students in Ac Dec also write essays, prepare speeches, and interview with judges at meets. Preparation begins in September and students compete at Locals in November, Regionals in January, and State in March. Slinger High School has done very well in the past 28 years, consistently winning at the Local competition and qualifying for Regionals. SHS’s Ac Dec team this year was ranked 5th in the state at Locals and scored higher than ever, which is a good sign and very exciting looking ahead to the rest of the season.

Any student looking to have a unique and rewarding experience in an academic activity should seriously consider Ac Dec. The many benefits and opportunities are worthwhile, and any student could join. A perfect report card isn’t a requirement, there are three different levels for students to compete in that accommodate any GPA. Prove yourself, join one of the most successful groups in the state, and learn all the while!